The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in July 2002, was passed in response to a wave of
corporate accounting scandals. It imposes stiff penalties (possibly even jail time for senior officers) for failure to accurately report financial data. It requires corporations and corporate officers to vouch for not only the accuracy of financial results, but the process used to generate those results.
An organization's well being today depends in part on its ability to produce records on-demand, recover deleted content, and prove that missing records or content were disposed
of according to the law. Companies must be able, at a corporate level, to effectively manage policies for document/records retention, archiving, and eventual destruction. While these policies can be done, and have been done manually and in physical form, this can be an
error prone, increasingly expensive approach. In addition, audit fees, and director and
officer liability insurance have increased substantially. On the other hand, the risks of
non-compliance are even greater: SEC fines and sanctions, shareholder lawsuits and litigation expenses, loss of reputation, and even criminal prosecution. Executives must ensure that corporate-wide strategies are properly executed and that enabling technology can support compliance efforts.

A more strategic, scalable, and operationally effective solution is an enterprise content management (ECM) solution. The integration of uniform policies for retention, archive, and disposition of records through ECM provides a comprehensive, scalable, end-to-end solution for the creation, version control, security, and lifecycle management of content of all types, including Web, documents, records, email, and digital assets, among others. Using ECM - controlled repositories, process automation, content publishing, collaboration, records management, and business integration - corporations can better manage the risks of
non-compliance and the operational costs of compliance. ECM can give a company the tools
it needs to comply with new regulations in a cost-effective way.

Our solutions provide, in adherence to being Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, a formal, documented, process-oriented approach for capturing, aggregating, and reporting financial information. We also provide you with the tools for proving that proper procedures are in place, so that regulators and investirs can judge the quality of the process and monitor if it has been followed. We ensure that every step of a procedure is recorded and individuals can
be held accountable at every stage of any type of corporate procedure. Our technology also provides for enterprise-wide cooperation and collaboration, since compliance data can come from any part of the organization and even (in the case of auditors) form outside the company.8
Our ECM solutions support all record types-electronic, physical,
and email-and empowers companies to take the following actions:

Establish policies and procedures for identifying and protecting business-critical records
Execute these policies and procedures in an automated and auditable fashion
Capture records from a variety of physical, electronic, email, and scanned image sources
Retrieve and disseminate recorded information
* Store and appropriately archive inactive records that need to be retained for legal,
  fiscal, regulatory, or administrative reasons
Implement procedures for the timely, secure destruction of corporate records when
  their prescribed retention periods elapse, ensuring information assets do not become
  corporate liabilities
Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of email as sensitive enterprise records, and in some industries, such as financial services, are actually mandated to treat email as formal records subject to retention, discoverability, and archive regulations. Our solutions can also help make compliance easier by performing the following tasks automatically:
› Archiving inbound, outbound, and internal email messages in a scalable
  and secure repository
Applying uniform enterprise-wide records management policies to archived messages
Linking messages with other content types in a searchable information repository
  to improve customer service and employee productivity



     P.O. Box 349125
     Homestead, FL 33034

     (305) 254-8002  

     (305) 675-0576

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